The Trust is very appreciative of the Upper Clutha Region’s generous financial support. This includes the unsolicited donations received from various groups and individuals, the organisations who have nominated the Trust as a beneficiary to their event, and everyone who supports our events and fundraising activities, either by buying tickets or donating goods and services.
The population in the Upper Clutha region is growing rapidly and without continuing financial support the Trust would struggle to continue to support local families with their children’s health issues.
All members of the Upper Clutha Children’s Medical Trust carry out their work in a voluntary capacity, and with very minimal administration costs. Virtually all money raised and donated goes back into the local community to help these families.
The Upper Clutha Children’s Medical Trust is a registered Charity with the New Zealand Charities Commission number CC43751, and every donation over $5.00 is fully tax deductible. For a tax receipt, please email with your name, address and date of payment.
Donations can be made in the following way:
- By Internet banking into our UCCMT Kiwi Bank account number 38-9010-0087198-00
Please supply your contact details.
You can find our latest return information at